

Hi everybody,

Welcome to my first ever blog on the internet. I wanted to try out something new and check whether writing and blogging is something I want to pick up from this year onwards. I also see it as some kind of personal journal where I document my personal findings during my life.

The essence is to write about all kinds of experiences, interests and stuff that I think is intriguing, useful or interesting. It can be about all kinds of different topics but mostly will be about the start of my professional career as a business consultant, self-development, sports & fitness, travel adventures and a lot more.

If you're reading this, I would like to welcome you to my page and hope that whatever I'm going to write about in this blog is interesting for you and sparks something in yourself to start doing something similar or whatever you feel like undertaking. For now, this is a short introduction about my blog and personal interests that you can find back in future articles.

I wish you all a great day!
See ya!